Our Court of Honor and 50th Anniversary is only two days away!!!!

We’re having it at Holy Communion Church (that big building next to “the shed”). Set up starts at 6:30. Ceremony starts at 7!

Scouts –> Please wear “Class A” uniforms (tan shirt, purple kerchief,
nice pants [no jeans, but do NOT rush out and buy official Scout
pants. Whatever your son would wear to a nice dinner is fine], and
dress shoes or boots [no sneakers]). All Scouts will be recognized
for their achievements this year, all Scouts will have a
part in the ceremony, and we’re looking for a full house to celebrate
50 years.

Family is encouraged to attend to see their Scout’s be recognized for
their achievements!

In addition to the usual ceremony, we’ll have the first viewing of
Troop 48’s 50th Anniversary video and a slide show of the year’s
activities. All Scouts, leaders, and alumni who attend will receive
the special Troop 48 50th Anniversary patch!

Scout families are asked to bring a desert or “finger food” appetizer to share.

Scouts may bring a wrapped pollyanna gift (Cost limit – $10) if they
wish to take part in pollyanna!