National Camp-in starts today at 11 am Eastern time on Facebook Live!
A schedule has been released for the national camp-in! Please note that all times are on Texas time, so add an hour. (So it starts at 10 central, which is 11 am to us)
Troop 48’s Backyard Campout starts at 3 PM this afternoon (Saturday, 5/2… regular, normal Eastern time for us) via zoom and will wrap up on Sunday morning.
3 pm – 5 pm – Advancements
5 pm – 6 pm – Dinner.
7 pm – Campsite judging. Text or email a picture of your backyard camping set up. Best campsite = Mike and Mr Murphy will do your patrol’s dinner KP next Campout!
7 pm until Mike and Mr Murphy can’t stay awake – Campfire, hanging out, and games
Late night – Morning – sleep out in your tent under the stars!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 8634 3767
Password: 484848
Should be a beautiful night for it!