There was a good amount of confusion about this weekends trip, but it all worked out in the end. The weather was perfect and our 7 1/2 mile hike was excellent. The Scouts ended up hiking to Apple Pie Hill. There, they were invited into the top of the tower, where they learned a ton from Craig of the NJ Fire Service, who showed them the ropes. Afterward, they adventured to the ruins of an old factory out in the pine barrens, where they spent time climbing through tunnels and exploring the nooks and crannies of the above ground remains! Thanks to Paul, Paul, and Jeremy for the help with the camping trip this weekend!
Next trip? Our annual service project to help the riders at the MS 150, including cheering on and handing out supplies to the bikers on Saturday and Sunday, plus a spaghetti dinner and patrol time on the boardwalks Saturday night!